Can I Buy MakerDAO Coins in Cash at Barclays?

8 min read


In this article:

  • Explore Barclays’ policies on crypto, noting they don’t offer direct MakerDAO purchases but allow transactions via external platforms.
  • Use a Barclays card on platforms like Pionex, Kraken, Gemini, Binance.US, and Coinbase for MakerDAO purchases, with attention to fees and security.
  • Consider Barclays wire transfers to fund crypto exchange accounts for buying MakerDAO, understanding associated fees and security measures.
  • Review Barclays account statements for MakerDAO transactions, being aware of transaction codes and fees, and learn Barclays’ strategies to prevent crypto fraud.

Navigating the world of cryptocurrencies can be a maze, especially when traditional banks like Barclays are part of the equation. This article is your guide to understanding how you can, or can’t, buy MakerDAO coins through various methods associated with Barclays. While Barclays may not offer a direct route to purchasing cryptocurrencies like MakerDAO, there are several alternatives that Barclays account holders can explore to dive into the crypto world.

We start by examining if Barclays offers any direct options to purchase MakerDAO, shedding light on the bank’s current stance towards cryptocurrencies. Following this, we take a closer look at how you can utilize a Barclays card to buy MakerDAO on popular cryptocurrency platforms like Pionex, Kraken, Gemini, Binance.US, and Coinbase. Each platform has its unique features and limitations when it comes to using Barclays cards, which we will explore in detail.

Moreover, the article delves into the possibility of acquiring MakerDAO through Barclays wire transfers, including the procedures, fees, and security measures involved. We also address how transactions of MakerDAO tokens are represented in Barclays account reports, providing clarity on managing and tracking these investments. Lastly, we discuss the measures Barclays takes to tackle potential fraudulent activities in MakerDAO token transactions, ensuring you stay informed and secure in your crypto endeavors. This comprehensive guide aims to bridge the gap between traditional banking and the dynamic world of cryptocurrencies.

Can I Buy MakerDAO Directly from Barclays?

When it comes to purchasing cryptocurrencies like MakerDAO, Barclays’ approach is a blend of caution and adaptation. As of now, Barclays does not provide a direct option to buy cryptocurrencies, including MakerDAO, through its banking services. This stance aligns with many traditional banks that remain hesitant to fully embrace the volatile and often unpredictable nature of the crypto market.

However, Barclays recognizes the growing interest in digital currencies. While you won’t find a ‘Buy Crypto’ button in your Barclays online banking, the bank has not turned a blind eye to the crypto wave. They maintain a policy that allows customers to interact with cryptocurrencies, albeit indirectly. This means you can use your Barclays account to fund purchases on external crypto platforms but cannot buy MakerDAO or any other crypto directly from the bank.

But here’s something interesting. Traditional banks, including Barclays, are gradually exploring the crypto space. They are offering alternatives for crypto investments, such as blockchain-related funds or crypto-tied investment products. These products allow customers to gain exposure to the cryptocurrency market without directly purchasing digital currencies. It’s a more cautious approach, fitting for those who prefer the stability of a traditional bank while wanting a slice of the crypto pie.

So, while Barclays might not be your go-to for direct MakerDAO purchases, they open doors to the world of cryptocurrencies in their unique, risk-managed way. For crypto enthusiasts looking to use Barclays as a bridge into the digital currency space, these alternatives are definitely worth exploring.

Can I Buy MakerDAO with a Barclays Card on Cryptocurrency Platforms?

Using a Barclays card to buy MakerDAO on cryptocurrency platforms is a viable option for those looking to venture into the world of digital currencies. This method bridges the gap between traditional banking and the rapidly evolving crypto space. Here’s a look at how Barclays cards fare on various popular crypto trading platforms.

Pionex stands out with its automated trading bots, offering a unique edge for crypto enthusiasts. Barclays cardholders will find it relatively straightforward to use their cards on Pionex. The platform allows for easy funding of accounts with a Barclays card, enabling users to buy MakerDAO without hassle. Remember, it’s crucial to keep an eye on transaction fees and limits specific to card payments.

When it comes to Kraken, known for its robust security and extensive range of cryptocurrencies, Barclays card users can breathe easy. Kraken supports funding via Barclays cards, and yes, this includes purchasing MakerDAO. The process is user-friendly, but be mindful of the potential for additional charges by Barclays for what it considers ‘cash-like transactions.’

Gemini offers a sleek interface and a strong commitment to compliance, making it a safe bet for Barclays cardholders. The integration of Barclays cards on Gemini allows for a seamless transaction experience when buying MakerDAO. However, users should be aware of any charges or limits imposed by Barclays for using their card on the platform.

Moving to Binance.US, it’s a powerhouse for crypto trades. Barclays cardholders looking to buy MakerDAO can use their cards on Binance.US, but it’s important to check for any restrictions or additional fees Barclays might apply, especially since Binance.US deals heavily in a variety of crypto transactions.

Lastly, Coinbase, known for its user-friendly interface, is another platform where Barclays cards come in handy. The process of using a Barclays card on Coinbase is straightforward, though there might be limits on how much you can purchase and the fees involved. Plus, always be cautious of the cash advance fees Barclays might charge.

In summary, while Barclays doesn’t directly facilitate the purchase of MakerDAO, its cards can be effectively used on these leading cryptocurrency platforms. Always stay informed about the fees and limitations associated with using Barclays cards for such transactions, ensuring a smooth and successful crypto investment journey.

Can I Buy MakerDAO via a Barclays Wire Transfer?

Buying MakerDAO via a Barclays wire transfer is a viable option, though it requires a bit of navigation. Here’s a step-by-step guide to make this process as smooth as possible:

  1. Find a Reputable Crypto Exchange: First, choose a crypto exchange that supports MakerDAO and accepts wire transfers. Research their reputation, security measures, and user reviews.
  2. Set Up an Account: If you don’t already have an account on the chosen exchange, set one up. This will likely involve identity verification steps to comply with KYC (Know Your Customer) regulations.
  3. Obtain the Exchange’s Bank Details: Once your account is ready, get the bank details of the crypto exchange where you will be sending the funds. This information is usually available in the deposit section of your account.
  4. Initiate the Wire Transfer from Barclays: Log into your Barclays online banking or visit a branch to set up the wire transfer. Use the details obtained from the crypto exchange. Be precise with the details to avoid any transaction issues.
  5. Transfer and Conversion: After the transfer, the funds will be credited to your account on the exchange. You can then use these funds to buy MakerDAO.

Now, let’s talk about the fees, timeframes, and limitations. Barclays typically charges a fee for international wire transfers, and these fees can vary. The timeframe for the transfer to be processed is usually 1-4 working days. Remember, there might be additional fees charged by the receiving bank or the exchange.

Security is paramount when dealing with wire transfers for crypto purchases. Ensure the exchange you choose has robust security measures. Also, double-check all the details before initiating the transfer to avoid any potential fraud or mishaps.

In summary, while Barclays doesn’t directly offer the purchase of MakerDAO, using a wire transfer to fund an account on a crypto exchange is a practical workaround. Be mindful of the fees, timeframes, and, most importantly, the security aspects of the whole process.

How are MakerDAO Tokens Transactions Represented in Barclays Account Reports?

When you engage in MakerDAO token transactions, understanding how these appear in your Barclays account reports is crucial for effective financial management. Typically, crypto transactions, including those involving MakerDAO tokens, are listed in Barclays account statements as standard wire transfers or card payments, depending on the method used for the transaction.

Each transaction will have a unique code, which Barclays uses to identify the nature of the transaction. For instance, card payments to a crypto exchange might be listed as a regular online transaction, with the name of the exchange appearing on the statement. Wire transfers, on the other hand, will usually display the bank details of the crypto exchange. It’s important to note these codes and references for your records and tax purposes.

Fees and exchange rates are also a vital aspect of these transactions. Barclays might charge fees for wire transfers or card payments used for purchasing cryptocurrencies. Additionally, exchange rates come into play, especially for international transfers or transactions in a different currency than your Barclays account. These fees and exchange rates can impact the total cost of your MakerDAO investment and should be carefully tracked.

To keep track of your crypto investments through Barclays, consider these tips:

  • Regularly Review Statements: Regularly check your Barclays statements for any crypto-related transactions. This helps in keeping track of your investments and spotting any discrepancies early.
  • Record Keeping: Maintain a separate record of your crypto transactions. This includes dates, amounts, fees paid, and the exchange rate applied. This practice is not just for tax purposes but also for your personal financial management.
  • Stay Informed on Fees: Be aware of the potential fees Barclays might charge for each transaction. Knowing these in advance can help you plan your investments better.
  • Monitor Exchange Rates: For international transfers or currency conversions, keep an eye on the exchange rates. They can fluctuate significantly and impact the cost of your investment.

By understanding how MakerDAO transactions are represented in your Barclays account reports and keeping diligent records, you can manage your crypto investments more effectively and securely.

How Does Barclays Tackle Potential Fraudulent Activities Concerning MakerDAO Token Transactions?

Barclays is keenly aware of the potential for fraudulent activities in cryptocurrency transactions, including those involving MakerDAO tokens. The bank employs a multi-layered approach to combat fraud, ensuring that customers’ investments in cryptocurrencies like MakerDAO are safeguarded.

The first line of defense at Barclays against fraud in crypto transactions is rigorous monitoring and alert systems. These systems are designed to detect unusual or suspicious activities that could indicate fraud. For instance, if there’s an unexpectedly large transaction or a series of rapid transactions, Barclays’ monitoring systems can flag these for review. This kind of proactive surveillance is critical in the fast-paced world of crypto trading.

If you suspect fraudulent activity in your MakerDAO transactions, Barclays advises immediate action. Contact the bank as soon as possible to report the suspicious activity. Barclays has a dedicated fraud prevention team that will investigate the issue. They might temporarily freeze the account to prevent further unauthorized transactions and guide you through the steps to secure your account.

For safe and secure cryptocurrency trading while using a traditional bank account like Barclays, here are some key guidelines:

  • Use Trusted Platforms: Only trade cryptocurrencies on reputable and well-established platforms. This reduces the risk of encountering fraudulent entities.
  • Enable Security Features: Use all available security features on your crypto trading platform, such as two-factor authentication, which adds an extra layer of security to your transactions.
  • Stay Informed: Keep abreast of common cryptocurrency scams and fraud tactics. Being informed means you’re better prepared to recognize and avoid potential threats.
  • Monitor Transactions Regularly: Regularly review your Barclays account statements and crypto trading accounts for any unfamiliar transactions.
  • Secure Personal Information: Be cautious about sharing personal information online, especially related to your bank accounts and crypto wallets.

By implementing these measures, Barclays actively works to prevent fraudulent activities in crypto transactions. As a user, staying vigilant and informed is crucial for a secure crypto trading experience. Remember, in the dynamic world of cryptocurrencies, safety is as important as profitability.


In conclusion, navigating the intersection of traditional banking with the dynamic world of cryptocurrencies, specifically MakerDAO, involves understanding various pathways and safeguards. Barclays, while not directly offering crypto purchases, provides avenues for its customers to engage with digital currencies. Using a Barclays card on cryptocurrency platforms like Pionex, Kraken, Gemini, Binance.US, and Coinbase is a feasible option, though one must stay vigilant about fees and security measures.

The possibility of buying MakerDAO via a Barclays wire transfer adds another layer of accessibility, albeit with its own set of procedures and precautions. Understanding how these transactions are represented in Barclays account reports is crucial for effective financial tracking and management. Moreover, Barclays’ proactive measures to tackle potential fraudulent activities in MakerDAO transactions highlight the importance of security in the crypto realm.

This exploration underscores a key point: while traditional banks like Barclays are adapting to the crypto wave, it’s essential for users to stay informed, vigilant, and proactive. Whether it’s understanding the nuances of using bank tools for crypto transactions or ensuring the security of your investments, knowledge is your most powerful asset. As the world of finance continues to evolve, blending traditional banking with emerging technologies like cryptocurrencies, staying ahead means being informed, adaptable, and security-conscious. Remember, in the realm of cryptocurrencies, every step towards investment is a step towards understanding the future of finance.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I purchase MakerDAO directly through Barclays?
A: No, Barclays does not offer a direct option to purchase MakerDAO or other cryptocurrencies through their banking services.

Q: Is it possible to use a Barclays card on cryptocurrency platforms to buy MakerDAO?
A: Yes, you can use a Barclays card on several cryptocurrency platforms like Pionex, Kraken, Gemini, Binance.US, and Coinbase to buy MakerDAO, though be aware of potential fees and security considerations.

Q: Can I use Barclays wire transfer to buy MakerDAO?
A: Yes, you can use a Barclays wire transfer to fund your account on a crypto exchange and then use those funds to buy MakerDAO. This process involves certain fees and timeframes.

Q: How are MakerDAO transactions displayed on my Barclays account statements?
A: MakerDAO transactions are typically listed as standard wire transfers or card payments, with unique transaction codes and details depending on the method used.

Q: What should I do if I suspect fraudulent activity in my MakerDAO transactions with Barclays?
A: Immediately contact Barclays to report any suspicious activity. The bank has a dedicated fraud prevention team to address such issues and may temporarily freeze your account for security.

Q: Does Barclays have measures to prevent fraud in cryptocurrency transactions?
A: Yes, Barclays employs various measures like rigorous monitoring and alert systems to detect and prevent fraud in cryptocurrency transactions.

Q: Are there any security tips for trading cryptocurrencies using a Barclays account?
A: Yes, use trusted platforms, enable security features like two-factor authentication, stay informed about common crypto scams, monitor transactions regularly, and be cautious with personal information sharing.


Chris Munch

Chris Munch is a professional cryptocurrency and blockchain writer with a background in software businesses, and has been involved in marketing within the cryptocurrency space. With a passion for innovation, Chris brings a unique and insightful perspective to the world of crypto and blockchain. Chris has a deep understanding of the economic, psychological, marketing and financial forces that drive the crypto market, and has made a number of accurate calls of major shifts in market trends. He is constantly researching and studying the latest trends and technologies, ensuring that he is always up-to-date on the latest developments in the industry. Chris’ writing is characterized by his ability to explain complex concepts in a clear and concise manner, making it accessible to a wide audience of readers.